Silver Celebration: 25 Things You May Or May Not Know About Joan

I found my write-up for my 23rd birthday and you will be surprised what I wrote about – FEAR.  Well 2 years later I have narrowed what this FEAR is.

I never knew 25 could be this scaring.  The last couple of days have revealed my demons.  My friend agrees that my symptoms are similar to GERASCOPHOBIA. However I like to tone that down and make my prognosis GERONTOPHOBIA. My symptoms include an intense FEAR of aging that leads to anxiety. I have been magnanimous enough to share this fear with everyone I chat with and people are prone to proffer advice on the power of aging. But whatever! Imagine giving health advice to an addicted smoker who understands the dangers of smoking.

Upon reflection, I realize this FEAR has been responsible for successes I accomplished pretty young and is still responsible for the goals I have to achieve before 30. Yea 30 in my head is “THE AGE”. I guess the media has played a greater role in creating the sense of urgency. At 30 I envision myself re-birthing, starting a completely new phase with new goals and aspirations. They say life is a journey but mine seem to be a journey with a major accountability checkpoint at 30.  To think I was so anxious to become an adult but lets face it those are two different issues. I may want to be an adult but not necessarily want to age.  Some of the symptoms of my fear is extreme GREED. Hold on – Not greed in that sense. Well it is a selfishness  that makes me love me so much and put me first in everything. It makes me utterly accountable to only me. Driving me to constantly improve and enrich myself with HEALTH, WEALTH, & WISDOM.

I provide an eclectic list of 25 things about me

  1. I am an optimistic idealist (yea I had to use a hyperbole to communicate that). I truly believe that the only thing that can hinder you from your goal is YOU. You have the power to be whatever and whoever you choose to be.
  2. I was born into a family of academics. My father is a professor and my mum an elementary school teacher. They are probably the reason I got hooked on books
  3. I have 2 siblings (younger brother and sister) and 7 step siblings. My father is quite eccentric and highly controversial. Read my write-up inspired by him HERE
  4. I love gospel, country and rock music. Lionel Richie and Kenny Rogers are my all time favorite – This has to be my parents influence.
  5. I am an adrenaline junkie. I live for the trill. I don’t think I have the patience to find joy in debutante activities like fine dinning, wine tasting, golfing etc
  6. I do not have any favorite items. No favorite person, color, food, place, music, sport, item, scent etc
  7. I am a shrewd saver. Broke has a whole different meaning for me.
  8. I am a princess. Yea a Nigerian princess. But not the rich sort. My grandfather was a royal kingmaker which also makes me a princess.
  9. I intend to freeze my eggs at 30 until I decided where I stand on procreation.  I can see the screech in my family’s face as they read this **SORRY GUYS**. Please don’t tell my grandma because she may well take up my case in prayer
  10. I am a morning person. My brain typically starts to shut down at 9 pm
  11. I prefer in person interactions to virtual communication. My charm only works in-person.
  12. I will never change my religion because to me it is a complete waste of my time. At the end of the day the end goal of religion is the same. And all religions are fundamentally flawed so why do I have to put my family and friends through that.
  13. Despite my religious hesitation, my life partner cannot be atheist.
  14. My skepticism towards religion did not just begin. My father exposed me to contradicting spiritual literature as a child that was barely 12 . In addition I was made to read the full bible in the form of the children bible book.
  15. I believe in FAITH, and the HOLY SPIRIT. But I also believe in the law of attraction, the philosophy of stoicism and the principles of Buddhism.
  16. I always wanted to be a world renowned Economist although my high school teachers thought I would make a great medical professional. I resisted the pressure and now I work in Technology.
  17. Independence is the only thing I can identify with. My parents shipped me off to boarding school at 9 years old and made me work hard for everything including basic needs every regular child thought they were entitled to.
  18. I am most attracted to older people. Upon reflection, I think this is a symptom of GERONTOPHOBIA or just influence from my parents relationship. But I am also SAPHIOPHILE- what I find most attractive is a smart man
  19. I have a fantasy to settle down with a Non – African. Mainly because of my child’s hair texture
  20. I always aimed to be a DR before 27 years old. At this pace I should achieve this goal by my 28th birthday
  21. I was sponsored by my Uncle and maternal family to come study and live in Canada. I am forever grateful to them
  22. I became a millionaire before 20. Don’t ask me the currency. Because it doesn’t matter, it is all about faith. You know about $23 USD is equivalent to a million Iranian Rial
  23. I bought my first home at 23. In North America, as long as you are young with a steady job you are thrown a mortgage.
  24. I don’t believe in work-life balance. Cause when you are passionate about what you do then that dichotomy no longer exist. It simply becomes just LIFE
  25. My mind works mysteriously. Don’t try to understand me cause I am a different breed on a completely atypical trajectory

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